Arkansas Update
Robot cops? Facial Recognition 900# man ends up in court Abortion Idaho Repeals Entire Regulatory code. Kinda Cyrus Trump Coin French Kissing Cows Man Creates Human Car Wash
Father found guilty of "Family Violence" for not recognizing child's gender identity.
Intersex Runner in South Africa required to reduce testosterone levels to compete as female. Scientist claims speed of light is not a constant. Dem. John Rogers says "some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later." Then says that Donald Trump JR. is a reason why we need abortion. Mathis and Jeff duke it out over reducing taxes for certain companies to entice them to a state. To wash or not to wash your chicken. The guys discover it's a cultural thing. Kid Rock to install giant middle finger statue like Ted Pelkey from Westford, VT. 270 die from overworking the election in Indonesia. Venezuelan missile crisis. |